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Cigar Roller/hr.


Make the occasion truly memorable with a cigar rolling demonstration. Outdoors, indoors, on the golf course or on the water, our cigar factory will come to you providing quality cigar rolling entertainment like you’ve never seen. In addition to rolling cigars, we can provide customized cigar bands for your gala event, ensuring your celebration is remembered months later when that perfectly rolled, customized cigar is lit. In addition to artful cigar rolling of classic stogies, our cigar factory offers cigars flavored with chocolate, cured in whiskey barrels or packed with a custom blend of Dominican tobacco, vanilla and pineapple rind. COST OF CIGARS ARE NOT INCLUDED IN PRICE. CIGARS ARE $7 EACH.

People per Hour: 20-30
Power Required: N/A
Setup Time: 15 Minutes
Space Required: Tabletop

Call us Today at 617-947-0292